Friday, March 19, 2010

Golden Advice

Firstly, the situation at hand:
"Time to confront your demons.

Hell is our own creation. We cannot move forward in our lives without facing that which torments us. The more we understand and face our fears, the less power they have over us. Fear of failure may be preventing you from reaching your full potential. Look back at all that you have weathered in the past to see that you have the strength to survive if things go wrong. This may help you to realise[sic] that it is worth taking risks in order to do what you think is right. This is a card of temptation and perhaps addiction. Depending upon where it appears in a spread, it could indicate a need for the subject to question their own motives. Are they following a path deliberately that could be destructive?"

The Devil:
The path to resolution:
"Horses will only follow the reigns if they want to.

Leadership of a team. Pragmatism, collaboration and compromise. A victory obtained by working with others, not against them. It is time to analyse[sic] the causes of problems you encounter, and change what you can about yourself in order to overcome them. Changing one's own behaviour[sic] is more likely to succeed than trying to change the behaviour[sic] of others."

I think this so appropriate, and helpful. When applied to the situation I'm in(or more like coming out of), it rather reminds me of The Metamorphoses, considering how it was preceded by this:
The catalyzing action:
"Do what is right.

Fairness, justice and equal opportunity. Fate may aim to give all what they deserve, but sometimes she needs a helping hand, and the strong should help the weak."


Thank you, thank you for all the messages, the encouragement, the little indicators. Thank you for every sign that now is a time to improve my life and my action. By putting an image of the most indecent human nature in front of me, you made me understand that when it comes to living a moral life, what goes around comes around. And not just because we hope people get just desserts, "karma" is less about getting what's coming to you and almost entirely about maintaining, pruning, and upkeeping your moral heart.
I was already aware of this concept, yes. From Mengzi I had learned that we all have the seeds of virtue and vice within us, and that is those seeds that we nurture that determine our nature.
However, this recent experience made the dangers of failing to constantly check moral vigilance frighteningly clear. Life will always find a way to scare the pants off you by showing you a person, object, or situation that gives you a mirror to what lies in store if you follow your own worst inclinations.
While what I saw was immeasurably far off from where I could even imagine finding myself, it taught me an important lesson about always acting in a manner in which you can endure past the worst possible interpretations of your own behavior. We must not allow ourselves to lower our standards in the company we keep, for in order to tolerate them we learn to tolerate their values, and if we don't see eye to eye on issues so basic as kindness, honesty, and esteem, we can only hurt ourselves by back sliding. The more we let them shroud our instinct, the more our introspective mirror becomes shrouded, the more
we gaze in the bitter glass, the more we are tempted by the whispers of subtle guile.
The more we nurture the seeds of deception and of denial, the more they grow to obscure the best of what we are. Please, to all those still putting up with the double talk, the entanglement, cut back the brambles before it becomes impossible. But it is never impossible.
Never have anything in your life that you don't want to know the truth about. It may sound preachy or redundant, but wait until you have the fear of a remorseless heart before you, ready to harm and tear asunder all that you take for granted, then the message is terribly cold and imminent.

The best way to avoid the situation The Devil card presents is to follow the message of The Justice card, with the confidence and initiative of the The Chariot card.

Friday, March 12, 2010

New Goodies

I found these cordial glasses for $2 a piece at our favorite antique store yesterday:

I love the gold detail, they are adorable! I almost want drink absinthe out of them, but I have never been a fan of anise/liquorish flavored things. I know I'll just end up staring at them on a shelf, I don't drink any liquors! haha
I also purchased the red candy dish and vase in the background from the same store, also for less than $5 each, although I don't recall how much. Also, we picked up a coffee table there. It's not spectacular but it was only $49, and it is certainly a better fit for our home than the modern(read: cheap), black, presumably IKEA-born table we had before.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


a person attached to another by feelings of affection, esteem, or personal regard.

This is a subject of particular relevance to me in the last year, because everywhere you go in mainstream American culture, you hear, "don't let any body judge you," "don't judge me!"
I've even been told by some rather needy people "not to judge" them when they spiral into self destruction or badly use myself or their other friends without return.
So, I wonder; where did this idea come from that we are supposed to suspend morality for our friends of all people?

I'm firm believer in the idea that we should be helping people through the hard times, and have history of doing so, but friendship should NEVER be unconditional. That's just a bunch of nonsense.
To me, friendship means that you have a relationship with some you like, have affection for, but most of all hold in mutual esteem.
I hear a lot of this grade-school romanticism talk wherein people say to each other, "I'll be there for you no matter what!"
No, I won't. I even had a conversation with my own mother, wherein we were in total agreement that if one of us became a Nazi we'd expect the other to cut that person off. I know that my mom holds not only love, but friendship for me as well, so it's out of respect for the person I am that she doesn't care for the person I'm not.
You hold friends responsible for what they do, if they are going through hard times then you exercise patience, give them chances to change their lives, and you help them out with all your reasonable(and some times not so reasonable) means, but if they become someone you don't like THEN THEY AREN'T YOUR FRIEND ANYMORE. Here, I am talking about behaviors that become habitual. I'm a firm believer that if friend A is behaving badly, and friend B is counseling A to make changes and A becomes unpleasantly recognizable, then B is not so much demonstrating loyalty as they are demonstrating codependency and facilitation.
I have found that it is characteristic of grade-school relationships (which are fewer but not gone in adult life) is that the only way B can help A change at this point is to send the most powerful message about A's behavior possible and break off contact. B can expound however they wish about how disappointed and unsettled they are about A's behavior, but if the behavior continues and B sticks around indefinitely, the only message A receives is that their behavior is ultimately allowable. Not only is this bad for B, it's extremely bad for A because it reinforces a lack of character and teaches them not to hold themselves accountable. This is a situation wherein "tough love" is necessary.

As I said, I don't AT ALL cleave to the notion that friendship means "no matter what."
Maybe that makes my friendships sound worthlessly conditional, but I like to think that I don't form friendships like some people form relationships; because I'm just plain scared of being alone, and that's going to be my overwhelming motivator.

No, friends, I won't be there for you no matter what. I love you for who you are, if you turn into a monster then you're some one else and not my friend.
I'm friends with you because of who you are, you earned it, I like you for your unique personality that includes traits I admire and hold in very high esteem. If you don't resemble that at all, no, I don't still like you. Why keep the flame going when it always ends in pain after that happens? There is more than enough emphirical support for that!

I'm a firm believer (maybe just short of Ayn Rand, haha) in respecting autonomy and the idea of the sacred definition of each personality. Respect yourself first, and you have the keys to the kingdom of respecting the whole world, and thereby using empathy effectively.
This definition of friendship I'm undressing does not respect individuals, neither B or A. That's the definition of co dependence. It's keeping acquaintances around cause you're too scared to end it and are afraid of having no one to drink with Saturday night.
The friends I have I love more than that, and that's why I can trust their particular brand of impartiality, because I know they'll check my behavior when I step out of line instead of permissively allowing me to fall into moral disrepair. Hard times are aptly the hardest times to make good decisions, and that's when you need people judging you the most. "Judging," as I hear it used by the layman, is often thought of as the opposite of it's definition; as forming a conclusion based on a lack of evidence. Judgment:
an act or instance of judging.
the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, esp. in matters affecting action; good sense; discretion: a man of sound judgment.
the demonstration or exercise of such ability or capacity: The major was decorated for the judgment he showed under fire.
the forming of an opinion, estimate, notion, or conclusion, as from circumstances presented to the mind: Our judgment as to the cause of his failure must rest on the evidence.
the opinion formed: He regretted his hasty judgment.

Notice that their are 4 perfectly lovely definitions of judgment before a negative context is presented. I think peoples' omission of this is behind a notion that we should suspend judgment. Which is just silly. Imagine walking around with your eyes closed to everything! Sadly it happens, and people who do so are mostly incapable of not forming mores of some kind,* simply end up applying it to themselves(don't judge me!) and still judge other people all the more sporadically, and therefore with extreme results(gossip instead of honestly telling some one how you feel).

Anyone on the street can "be supportive" and tell me what I want to hear while I go on a drug bender and do all sorts of messed up things those around me, or some other such thing. Lying, bullshitting, and omission are surprisingly easy in the moment, even if they prove unprofitable in the long run.
Only a real friend will have to cajones to speak up to me in spite of how uncomfortable it makes us both feel, because those are the ones who care about me and what happens to me more than they care about companionship at any price.

*"All men by nature desire to know. An indication of this is the delight we take in our senses; for even apart from their usefulness they are loved for themselves; and above all others the sense of sight. For not only with a view to action, but even when we are not going to do anything, we prefer sight to almost everything else. The reason is that this, most of all the senses, makes us know and brings to light many differences between things."
Do we not use our sight to know light and dark, to know difference?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Vulnerable Maidens and Vengeful Mothers

Persephone was the original little girl to fall down into Wonderland. Hades is played by Ralph Fiennes for a reason, by the way. Because he gives us all Stockholm Syndrome.

"The Ghost"
I had a dream about the Ghost of an angry Mother in a house that was haunted with her rage. The walls shook and howled.

Within the twilight chamber spreads apace
The shadow of white Death, and at the door
Invisible Corruption waits to trace
His extreme way to her dim dwelling-place;
The eternal Hunger sits, but pity and awe
Soothe her pale rage, nor dares she to deface
So fair a prey, till darkness, and the law
Of change, shall o’er his sleep the mortal curtain draw.

Adonais by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Secret Room:

The hole to the room:

A close-up of the wallpaper (at least it isn't yellow!). Roses!

I still can't believe that this was discovered in my home after my recurring dreams on the subject! Maybe it's one of those things that magically appears just when you've learned to let go of the need to seek it!
I can't figure out what the room must have been for. It's too short to stand in, but the wallpaper seems to fit its dimensions which leads me to believe that it was built/used at it's current size.
Perhaps it was a separate attic space that the house's first occupants furnished as a playroom for their children. Who knows, it obviously hasn't been open in many many decades.

Dreams Made Real:

As per this post:
We are currently having our house rewired. The workmen just discovered a Secret Room behind our kitchen. It's raised up, above our closet, but below the ceiling and attic. It's very very old, it probably hasn't been used as part of the house since the 1920s (or even later, depending on when the water heater and refrigerator nook was built in to the kitchen). It even still has some wallpaper up in it.
So Neat!!
I'll post pictures soon.