The landscape of the dream was entirely white; in a white house, with white walls and white furniture, and every time blood appeared it was a horribly vivid splash. I woke up several times to find myself alone in bed, but I was too frightened, disoriented, and tired to find out where Poet was.
Everytime I went to sleep my dreams changed slightly, but everyone of them was about a monster or a man trying to hunt me down to torture and kill me. In one dream, there were monsters made of shadows, in another a man who was angry with my father was electrocuting me and strangling me, but no one really knew what he was angry over.
Finally, some time after the sun had risen, I woke up to see that Poet had returned to bed. After that I had one last dream. It was a little better than the previous dreams. I was in Hawaii with some family members. We are heading towards to the beach in a group, and I'm trying to snap pictures of everything in sight, but I'm having a little trouble with my camera and am getting mixed results*, and it frustrates me. As we get nearer to the beach, I realize we are in a tourist van, and an announcer is directing us to look toward the

I start trying to take pictures, but my camera won't work and I can't get a thing. I'm getting increasingly frustrated, and I notice that we're getting awfully close to the water and that the whales are making a lot of noise, and all of a sudden the sea begins to suck us in.
I'm afraid we'll drown but the van fills with water and is tossed on to the crowd.
We scream for people to run as we fall, I see one woman who can't get out of the way in time. Some how I catch her with just the tip of my finger and am able to pull her up and into the van with us just in time.
After the crash, no one is hurt. But I am upset by the even and run off, away from the beach. I meet up up with a friend of mine, and he tells me I'm in danger, that there are dark forces out to get the "other part" of me. I ask him what that means, and he explains to me that we all have three parts: our bodies of which we are aware, and also our souls and minds that walk around outside us everywhere we go.

He explains that a friend of his warned him that demons were out and hunting down my soul, to take it away from me.We decide to find a local voodoo witch to see if she can help us. We drawn a mandala, and she receives us warmly.

She has warm brown skin and lives in a bamboo hutch where she renders her services to the needy.
We also give her a gift of tarot cards, but the dream ends before we are offered a solution by her.

After all that, I wake up feeling pretty shaken. But then Poet tells me that he stayed up all night because he wants to go to bed early tonight to be able to get up tomorrow morning for Thanksgiving with my family, and to be sure to wake him up again so he give me a ride to work.
And then I come into the living room and he's left me a note saying he bought me fancy bagels and brie for breakfast. And he's picking up furniture all by himself today, and he's meeting the repair man to fix the cable today.
If you had asked me how I could feel better, I probably wouldn't have been able to come up with a whole lot, and some how he does just the right thing to make me feel better, and safe, and cared for. For a huge part of my dreams last night I was just running around trying to find someone to help me, it's nice to wake up and know that while you were sleeping some one was up caring about you and coming up with things to make you happy when you wake up.
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